Ari Hauben original

Sean recently surprised me with a beautiful piece of artwork for the nursery. It is an Ari Hauben original. Ari is a friend of ours who is incredibly talented. We had our eyes on this piece, Let Go, for a while as we originally wanted it for our living room. This painting gives me such a good feeling, especially since I am a person who gets way too wrapped up and stressed about all the little details, I see this picture and I just want to let all the worries slip away. I can't think of a better piece of art for the nursery...

Well...maybe there is a tie. When Ari came over to see Let Go, he brought another piece that he ended up giving to us, and I love that one too. It is called Love Song. I adore how the little birds are making their little noises that create this Love Song together. It reminds me of how crazy I am about my husband and how excited I am to start a family with him.

I hope we will own more of Ari's work in the future...he is truly gifted.

Lighting/Decor for Nursery

I saw these cool looking lanterns in the magazine Ready Made, and I decided to make some for the nursery. Sometimes, projects just don't go as planned :)

picture via Ready Made

I thought the instructions sounded way too easy, so I bought my punching bag balloons, and crochet thread and "stiffy", and went to town. I made four balloons, hung them up to dry, and was so excited to see them the next morning. When I woke up, I found that all the balloons had shriveled up, some more than others, but it had taken the string lantern with it!

Thus...another trip out to iparty for more balloons. I can't tell you how many times I have tried to re-blow up these crazy things. I finally got them up tonight; however, I am just dreading going into the nursery in the morning b/c I think they are going to be "deflated" again!

Sometimes the best laid plans....

So much for my cheap lighting/decor solution! I did take a few pics right away before they fell/deflated...

I have seen some other people's pics online who have made these successfully...but I didn't see any tips...

If I did it over again, I think I would...
1. See if I could put the Stiffy in a spray bottle to try to get more even coverage and maybe spray the inside after deflating the balloon
2. Maybe put something on the balloon so that the stiffy doesn't make the thread stick to the balloon.


So, I decided on the classic Jenny Lind crib. I went with white...I was a little concerned it was too feminine looking, but I saw some cool boys rooms with it, so I overcame my fear.

Like Hallie, I really enjoy looking at crib bedding, but I just haven't found anything I feel like I can commit to. I really like this Dwell set, or the cheaper Pottery Barn version (I think they are both expensive, so I have saved searches on eBay...hoping they might appear for very cheap) just because I feel like I could potentially use for more than one bambino and could accessorize however I would like to.

I think I have decided on this blanket to throw over the side of the crib, and I may just use navy or white sheets and call it a day. We will see.

Currently in the crib are a couple of fun things...

1. Sleeping Bunny pillow - Hallie handmade this pillow. It is the most beautiful pillow to looks like it has been passed down through generations, and I think it is so sweet. matches perfectly.
2. Sock Monkeys made by my great great grandmother Thomas - my mom gave these to me...I need to fix up the girl's hair, but besides that (and a few stains), they are in great shape, and they mean a lot to me b/c they have been in the family for so long!

An eye for color?

So, as much as I am passionate about all things 'home', I can't seem to develop my eye for color. I swear, I need to go to a remedial class on this. Let me just tell you, we knew we wanted some sort of neutral khaki color for the nursery. I was so happy that Home Depot has started selling the small samples of color...perfect for the color flunkies like me. I bought four different colors before my parents came, and none of them were close. My p's arrive, and I describe to my mom what we want, and she picks out the perfect color on her first try. Why didn't I get those genes?

Anyways, we ended up with English Tan.

My Brother

My brother, Ryan, is one cool dude. Most of you know him, so you already know how truly awesome he is. I am going to let you in on a little secret...when Ryan was little, he refused to wear anything but sweatpants. I remember I used to be mortified about the prospect of being in our teenage years, and Ryan still only wearing sweats. Well, now he is one of the most fashionable people I know. I wish he could be my personal shopper! He is so trendy, I just can't keep up! Anyways, he is always finding cool stuff and doing cool projects, so I have invited him to be a guest blogger and/or contributor from time to time.

Most recently, he sent me a link to these awesome vintage letters that he was thinking I might like for the nursery...aren't they cool?


It took me a while to figure out that MVI stickers were for Martha's Vineyard Island. This was another one of our day trips while my parents were here. We were able to link up with Sean's sister since she has a dream job on the vineyard for the summer. It was a lot of traveling for one day, but it was fun to check out different towns on the island and get a feel for it.

I have always wanted to go to the Black Dog, so we ate lunch at their tavern in Vineyard Haven...what a view we had, and the food was great. We then met Jeanine in Edgartown, and she showed us around to some cute shops and we had relaxing afternoon cocktails on a rooftop deck over the water...ahhhh, the life.

We then headed back to the town of Oak Bluffs for dinner, again on a deck overlooking the fun.

We hope to get back there next week before we head to the cottage....

Sweet, Sweet Newport

I think Newport is my new favorite town. We took a day trip here with my parents, and it was a blast. We ate lunch at the Black Pearl, after having several friends recommend it, and then we went to tour the Breakers. It is the mansion of the Vanderbilt family...and is the most incredible house I have been in. I was so sad that we couldn't take pictures inside! After that, we went to Castle Hill Inn where we had "cocktails on the lawn" followed by dinner on the lawn. They have this expansive property that is right on the water, and they scatter lots of adirondack chairs all over the yard. What a great idea. It was just lovely to sit and watch the sailboats go by and enjoy a cocktail (mocktail for me!). What an amazing end to the day. I can't wait to get back and explore more of this quaint and charming town.

loved the itty bitty mint julep cup with fresh roses...

how cool are these wicker chairs on the second story porch of the Breakers? We were thinking they help block the wind...??

I could get used to this being my porch view...what about you?

Can we live here?

looking at the back of the Breakers...

Castle Hill Inn...

Can you see the adirondacks?

Newport sunset...gorgeous.

Brimfield...we can't stay away

So, after we dropped my parents off after our fun week together, Sean and I headed straight back out to Brimfield. We had seriously contemplated buying a different dresser when we ended up with our cart, and once we got home, I figured out a place where it would look nice, and it would free up a bigger dresser to move back into our bedroom where we desperately need the storage! So, we went to see if it was still there...lucky us, it was. Sean bargained the guy down, and after we agreed to buy it, he said, "Oh by the way, I was meaning to look this up online, but under the marble top, there is the name Charles Pillsbury. I am wondering if he is part of the big Pillsbury family." Needless the say, the first thing I asked Sean to google when we got home was good old Charles...just so happens that he was the founder of Pillsbury Flour - how fun!!

I also bought a pretty old mason jar, as I think I am going to follow this mom's idea of jotting down funny doings, quotes, etc. of the baby, and the one day turn them into a book!


Hi all - I haven't felt like I have had anything interesting to say lately, but I have come up with a few random things to share! We have been enjoying our time back in Boston, and we had my parents out here for a week. It was a blast - we took some day trips, and got a ton of work done on the nursery! When my parents are around, we can just crank through projects...I love it, and I love them for being so incredibly helpful! I left for prenatal yoga one night, and came back to a painted nursery - score!!

Anyways, one of our day trips was out to Brimfield, which claims to be the largest outdoor antique show. It happens three times a year...Sean and I had been so excited to check it out ever since moving here. Our main goal was to get a dresser for the nursery. It really was an amazing show - I could have spent oodles and oodles of dough there, that is for sure.

So, Sean and I fell in love with this cart - I know, we were supposed to get a dresser, but we loved the history of it and the industrial feel. It is a 100 year old railroad cart that they used to put luggage from the train onto...and then, the furniture maker built it up to be a large cart/island using an old factory table top. We kept looking at it wondering how this could be a dresser. He also had a bunch of old metal bins from factories, so I started looking at those, and then asked my dad if he could help us build a second shelf on the cart. He said he could, so we got it...and a bunch of bins to use as drawers. YIPPIE. We knew we could re-purpose this piece into so many different places as time goes on as well!

my parents and sean surveying the situation...trying to figure out how we will get this home!

So, once we got home, I hopped on craigslist and found a bowling alley slab for next to nothing. Sean and my dad picked it up the next day and then built a second shelf for our new "dresser". The slab just so happened to match the top perfectly, I was so excited. I still haven't decided if I will leave the bins as is, or paint them a color. We will see. I also need to line the bins with something...I was thinking some fun oil cloth maybe?? Let me know if you have opinions/suggestions!

Here is the cart...or should I say dresser?

Old Ballparks

Why did our country have to decide that we needed to knock down so many treasured old ballparks and stadiums? I know that it is for money, money, money. I hated going to the new United Center after they got rid of Chicago Stadium. All the character was gone. I am so happy that there are still a few around...Wrigley, Fenway...not even sure how many more are still standing!

Sean and I were lucky enough to go to the Red Sox game with Sean's sister on the 4th. It was the most perfect day for a game, and sitting up top, I was able to get a full appreciation for the charm of the field.

Sometimes good things come to those who wait!

Sean and I were walking out of Home Goods yesterday when I turned back for a brief moment...and what caught my eye...OH YES...the Imperial Trellis look alike bedding! I told Sean I think it was calling to me! So, I might have bought the store out, but that's okay. And...I really don't even know if you can upholster something with sheets instead of a thicker upholstery fabric...but believe me, I am thinking about it. Does anyone know if this is possible? I am also wondering if I could do this myself? Probably not, but I may try.

Happy 4th of July!

Today I am so thankful for all the freedom we have in our great country. And I am especially grateful to all those who have chosen to dedicate their lives to defending and protecting our freedoms.

From our trip to Pearl Harbor...

Shower details

Hallie's shower weekend was such a blast. Being that it was at Phila's, I should have known there was not a thing to worry about! Phila was a wonderful hostess as always, and I would definitely recommend her place to anyone who is looking for a relaxing getaway in the Nashville area (Hachland Hall Vineyard).

The decorations, placecard/favors, guest book, and art activity all went very well. It was a wonderful group of friends and family that attended. The meal was delicious, presents went smoothly, and Brenda's idea to have guests paint on canvases to make a mural for the nursery was a huge probably helped that Hallie has a lot of creative friends.

There weren't many decorations, but we had fun with what we did do. If you are interested in you go...

I made some pom poms after learning how on here. I would absolutely use these for a party again...they were so much fun! I had a little trouble separating them/getting them to look like perfect spheres, so I will have to try to figure out how to fix that next time. I folded the tissue and put the wire around the middle ahead of time, and the night before the shower, several of us poofed them. I wasn't sure if they would retain their shape well for Saturday, but they did.

After we poofed the pom poms on Friday night...

Voila! We hung them with fishing line and clear thumb tacks...and we didn't really even need any decorations with a beautiful backdrop like Phila has outside her windows!

Brenda had a great idea to use rubber ducks as a placecard/favor. I don't know HOW many conversations we had about rubber ducks and how to incorporate names, etc., but we knew it would be fun if they could be floating in water, and we had to have everyone's name on them. Brenda found some bowls that worked great, and I made some life preservers out of sheets of foam I purchased at a craft store. We weren't sure how it would all come together, but we were very pleased with the outcome.

For the guest book, we did the old photo guest book idea. I got a plain small binder (the size of a half page), I cut pages of cardstock for the inside, and we took Polaroids of Hallie with each guest, and had them write a message to her. Hallie's niece helped orchestrate all that getting done which was a huge help!

We served mimosas when guests arrived, and Brenda had bought these gorgeous cupcakes (more like "works of art", I should say!) and we ended up saving those for dessert that evening because Phila's lunch was so filling!

All in all, it was a beautiful day with new friends and old!!

Closet Organizers

I had seen these closet organizers that a friend had made as well as on Etsy, so I figured I would give it a whirl as part of Hallie's gift. You just tie these onto your closet rod and then place the appropriate sized clothing in between. I am not sure how practical they will be as I feel like you would have to have a good sized closet since these would take up decent chunk of space. was fun to order some pretty fabric and give it a whirl...

If you are interested in instructions, here is what I did...I bought the wooden door hangers at AC Moore, then I cut the fabric out with a little extra all the way around. I mod podged the fabric onto the front, folding the extra fabric onto the back, and mod podging that as well. I then cut fabric for the backs of the hangers and cut that a teeny bit smaller than the actual hanger and mod podged it on (so it would cover the excess fabric folded from the front). Finally, I made the numbers on the computer and MP'd them on. However, the MP made the ink from the computer I have to figure out a better way to do that next time. I found some fun ribbons for the ties and was all set. PHEW...have you ever seen the word Mod Podged so many times before?


Growing up, we had endless peony bushes on the side of our house. I never had enough appreciation for those beautiful blooms. When we went to see the Sers in San Antonio, Sommer had the most beautiful peonies in our room.

Is it wrong to miss a piece of furniture terribly?

We are lucky to have a dear friend, Randy, who is an incredibly talented furniture maker. We were fortunate enough to have Randy make us several pieces during our time in Columbus. Each piece is incredibly crafted, made of such beautiful materials, and means so much to us.

As most of you know, I have grown up spending time at my grandmother’s cottage each summer in Northern Michigan…it is my favorite place in the world. Some recent renovations were done to the cottage, and being the sentimental sap that I am, Sean and I rented a U-Haul and brought home a cast iron claw foot tub as well as some exquisite doors. We had to the doors for a while before we figured out how we wanted them to be used. I met with Randy to go over ideas, and he ended up building us our most favorite and LARGE piece of furniture ever. It is so meaningful to us because of the history of the doors, and we miss the piece so much. At the time we designed it, I wasn’t thinking of how we would get the furniture into the multiple houses we will live in over the next several years. Needless to say, there was no way it was going to fit up the stairs in our current home.

So, I think about this piece often, more often than is probably normal ☺. I miss the storage for sure, but most of all, I miss the meaningful piece that was crafted by Randy.

I wish I had a picture of the full piece without the table in front of it!

One more piece from Randy...


I have fallen off the blogging circuit due to recent weeks of travel and lack of anything interesting to post before that…but I am trying to be back now that we have some time at home and baby planning will be in full swing! We have had a fantastic time traveling over the last 6 weeks and have been able to see many friends and family.

Between our 8 days in Texas and my trip to Nashville, we had our ultrasound. The best news was that the measurements were good...and we found out that we will be having a little boy!

When we were in Texas, Ryan's girlfriend, Jamie, made us a beautiful and tasty cake in honor of Sidekick. Turns out it was a good color selection with the blue :)

Time for Cobbler...

I had a craving for a blueberry cobbler, so I made that to bring to our friends' house last evening. I also made a peach one for our neighbors who came to dinner on Saturday. I definitely prefer the blueberry one...and the recipe could not be any easier! If you are craving a summery, fruity dessert, give this a whirl.

Image via Healthier Harvest

Creamy Cilantro Dressing

For those of you who like cilantro, we had a scrumptious dressing at our friend's house last night at dinner. Since I am growing Cilantro (although I can NEVER grow cilantro well), I figured I would try to make some myself...Sean and I thought it was very tasty...probably would have been better if I let it sit for a night before having it...

Here is the recipe I used...

Our friends served the Trader Joe's Cilantro dressing if you are looking to buy some...I think I will modify the recipe I made next time and try to make it closer to the Trader Joe variety.


Calling all moms/prego, I am not going to lie, I miss having a cocktail every now and then. When we visited our friends Matt and Emily in MN a few weekends ago, it was the perfect grilling out day, and Emily and I decided we'd best figure out how to make a good mocktail. We made some white sangria mocktails with loads of fresh fruit...they were so yummy. Since then, Sean has been great about whipping up mocktails for me usually consisting of fruit juices (passion fruit, pineapple) and sparkling apple juice. Does anyone have any suggestions/recipes?

I have been craving a Bellini - it would be even better if I was drinking a Harry's Bellini in Venice - so...I think I will try this one next...

* 2 oz peach nectar
* chilled sparkling cider

via Flickr