Lighting/Decor for Nursery

I saw these cool looking lanterns in the magazine Ready Made, and I decided to make some for the nursery. Sometimes, projects just don't go as planned :)

picture via Ready Made

I thought the instructions sounded way too easy, so I bought my punching bag balloons, and crochet thread and "stiffy", and went to town. I made four balloons, hung them up to dry, and was so excited to see them the next morning. When I woke up, I found that all the balloons had shriveled up, some more than others, but it had taken the string lantern with it!

Thus...another trip out to iparty for more balloons. I can't tell you how many times I have tried to re-blow up these crazy things. I finally got them up tonight; however, I am just dreading going into the nursery in the morning b/c I think they are going to be "deflated" again!

Sometimes the best laid plans....

So much for my cheap lighting/decor solution! I did take a few pics right away before they fell/deflated...

I have seen some other people's pics online who have made these successfully...but I didn't see any tips...

If I did it over again, I think I would...
1. See if I could put the Stiffy in a spray bottle to try to get more even coverage and maybe spray the inside after deflating the balloon
2. Maybe put something on the balloon so that the stiffy doesn't make the thread stick to the balloon.