French Chair Re-do

I spent a couple of hours the other night (when I should have been sleeping!) going through old pictures.  I found so many from our old house, so I will probably be reminiscing with some posts about old projects :)

Sommer and I first went to Scott's back in early 2007.  While we were there, I found a pair of old French chairs...


I was hosting Sommer's 30th birthday that year, and I really needed extra seating, so I got to work on them right away.  I sanded them down, then I painted them with a flat antique white paint, and then I rubbed some Ralph Lauren stain over the paint to give it a distressed/antiqued look.  If I had to do it over, I would have painted them gloss white!  Then, I found a nice chocolate brown fabric, and I had them re-upholstered.  I think I sort of rushed the sweet lady that was working on them (my immediate gratification issue) which I now know I shouldn't have done since I think the chair seats could have used some more batting/padding and I can notice some of her staples when I look closely.  But, I was pretty happy with how they turned out.  Since then, the joints have gotten loose on one of the chairs, and I now have to figure out how to deal with that issue because to properly fix it, the upholstery would have to be ripped off :(.   UGH.
