Wish I had an eye for color...

I hope that I can get better at picking colors one day.  I am horrible, TERRIBLE, at picking colors.  It usually takes Sean and I about four tries to get a color right.  So, I need help.

I got this desk last year when we moved here on craigslist.  It was a steal, and I think it could be adorable with a little TLC.  It is currently sitting on our 3rd floor landing in a space that isn't very usable.  The ceiling is only 6 feet tall, so at 5'11", it feels a little claustrophobic.  Nonetheless, we will only be here for another 3.5 months (WOW...I can't believe we are leaving that soon!), and I am thinking that any projects I can get done now, I should.

I wish I was more of a risk taker when it comes to stuff like this.  I would love to paint the desk a bold red...I was inspired by this piece...by the way, Jenny's blog is my latest favorite.  She is incredibly talented, resourceful and tasteful.

As much as I love the piece above, I think I would go for something a little deeper...this is the red that I picked out today at Home Depot (Glidden Red Delicious)

The more conservative part of me says to stick with a color that could go with almost everything...a white or a cream.  For inspiration, I love this desk.  There is some detail work on mine that I could paint a contrasting color, but I don't think mine would look as good as this one.

And, wouldn't it be fun with a modern chair?  I have my eye on this one from craigslist:

Or maybe a chair from West Elm...or...maybe I should paint the desk yellow and get this gray striped chair!?

What to do, what to do? Suggestions anyone??