
So, we made a rookie mistake when we were first married. We needed a, we bought one...without test driving it. Bad move. We have regretted it ever since the day we got the couch, and here we are, six and a half years later, still grumpy about the couch. Now, to look at the positives:

1. it is slip-covered and washable, which is key for bad dog owners like us who let our black lab sit with us on a khaki couch.
2. Neutral khaki color...has been able to withstand lots of different colored throw pillows and wall colors.

We dream and talk about getting a new couch often.

Here is the thing...I love upholstered couches; however, with Glory and now Paddy (okay, I guess I should include Sean and I here too b/c we are just as guilty as G & SP), I want something that is easy to clean. I can't count how many moments of frustration I have had b/c of the couch not being clean...argh. So, since we are crushing on the tufted look, I feel like our only option for me to keep my sanity would be a leather couch like this:

Some of the others that I like...

from WS Home

**I found one more that I had to add!

My favorite spot in Boston...

Every time Sean and I check out a new site in Boston, I wonder if I am going to have a new favorite; however, the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum has maintained its position as numero uno.
We have decided that we want to model our dream house off of the museum (obviously on a much, MUCH smaller scale). Basically, she constructed a huge home with the middle of the house being a tranquil, lush courtyard and garden. Most rooms border and have gorgeous windows overlooking the oasis. How lovely would it be to wake up to something like this every morning?

from here, here, & Flickr

I wish I could bring all my friends here because the ISG Museum never fails to make me feel at peace, happy, inspired, and in awe.

Unfortunately, you can't take pictures inside :( In my opinion, the ISG Museum could stand to create a beautiful coffee table book with exquisite pictures...mostly of the courtyard.

Down Home Cookin'

Ahhhh, entertaining. Sean and I have really been missing entertaining. There is just something about our current house that makes it seem difficult. Part of it is probably missing our favorite piece of furniture that housed all our serving pieces which is collecting dust in storage. Part of it is that we have our landlady and the three legged cat downstairs. I will refrain from commenting further on that. Part of it is being up on a second floor. Part of it is our horrible kitchen. Bottom line, it is just NOT our house. There are lots of random reasons...or, maybe they are excuses. We also needed to add a newborn to the complication column.

We first invited the Sean's classmates from the Irish Studies program over. We had a very fun night, albeit, it was a lot easier and more fun to get ready for it considering I am 'retired' for the time being and Sean had completed everything due for the semester. We had a lovely evening, despite feeling quite old when one of the girls said "this is the classiest party I have been to without my parents!". It was cute.

Okay...onto entertaining round 2.
Time for some good ol' Southern cookin'.

We had been craving Southern cooking since visiting a highly recommended upscale Southern restaurant in Cambridge - Hungry Mother. We had six friends over for a southern feast. The night was guaranteed to be fun just because of the wonderful company of the Haubens.

We had thought about doing some fried chicken, but decided that might be hard b/c of so much time in the kitchen close to show time. We went ahead and tested fried chicken out ahead of time, and Sean knocked it out of the park, in my opinion....

Southern night made us miss Columbus and all our dear friends so much. We wish we could have ordered all of our favorites from Minnies, Girlfriends, Country's, etc. but we had to make due with our best attempt.

Prep pics...I have been bad about getting pics of the final products...need to work on that.

The menu was as follows:

--Homemade cheese straws
--Pimento cheese dip

--BBQ Pulled Pork with mustard based BBQ sauce
--Cheese Grits
--Tomato Pie
--Squash Casserole

--Phila's Pecan Pie
--Phila's Chocolate Chess Pie
--Fresh Whipped Cream

If I was all over it, I would have links to all the recipes that we used. Considering I started this post weeks ago, I am clearly not...

Snacky-doody time!

For all my Alpha Chi friends, I have been reliving our finals weeks at the house since Sean has been living at the library for the past two weeks trying to get all his studying/writing done. Unfortunately for Sean, he doesn't have Fran around to come over the PA and exclaim, "It's Snaaaaackyyyy Dooooodyyyy time!" Do you all remember what happened after that? The full out stampede of 135 girls pounding down the stairs to devour whatever food we could get our hands on. Of course we were starving b/c we had been waiting outside the dining room at 4:10 to be able to eat dinner at 4:15pm! Did we order Pizza Express on the Snacky Doody nights as well? I wouldn't be surprised :)

The memory of snacky doody time has stirred up so many other good memories from IU and the house. I am looking forward to our 10 year reunion!


We have countless blessings to be thankful for this year...little Paddy, being together, having a roof over our heads, our amazingly supportive and helpful families, and our caring name a very few...

We also, as always, are incredibly thankful for all of our friends who are currently deployed and for their families who are keeping it all together on the home front. We think of you all everyday. Lusk Reservoir at West Point

We have a major crush...

on our little Sean Patrick. He has turned Friday, the 13th into a lucky day for us when he made his debut shortly after we arrived at the hospital. To be honest, Sean and I weren't sure how we would feel about a newborn baby...we were thinking we would be much better with an older child who can communicate, etc. We have to admit...we are totally crushing on this little guy. He has captured our hearts. As you can see, Paddy has put a spell on us.

The waiting game...

All along, I have told myself...just plan on being at least a week late with Sidekick. That worked fine...until we started getting updates about where I am at! This past Monday, I was at 3cm dilated, and still feeling relatively okay, so we were thinking, oh, maybe a Veteran's Day baby? Wrong wrong wrong. Why did I let myself fall into this trap? I hate when I do this. I want to reverse my mindset and once again think that Sidekick is going to be a late baby, but, come on now, it is a little hard once you start hearing about progress! Bottom line, I know he will appear when he is good and ready, in the meantime, welcome to the waiting game. Every day, cleaning the house again to make sure it is JUST how I want it before we leave. You moms know what I am talking about right? I know I am neurotic, but now feel even more so!

I have been obsessed with pictures with large balloons, so our photographer friend Isabel, got a couple for us the other day. Unfortunately, Sean had conflicting plans, and we figured we'd better go ahead and get some with Glory and I in case the little man came this weekend...I guess we could have waited :)

I just HEART the balloon. I can't wait to get some pictures of Sidekick with one of these.

Veteran's Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Veteran's Day. I felt incredibly spoiled to be able to spend the day with my veteran. I am so thankful to all those in uniform, especially all of our friends who have recently deployed again. Of course, I have to say thanks to all the spouses and children as well who make so many sacrifices along the way. And most of all, thanks to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and their families who have endured these losses.

It is a complicated life, but what a rewarding one.

Today makes me think back to two of the best days, the homecoming days...

New Online Shelter Mag...

For those of us who are still missing the days of Cottage Living and Domino, I just stumbled on this new online shelter mag. I am just going through it now and it is making my day! I thought I would really miss having a magazine in print; however, two thoughts on that...1. it is handy that they link out to all products featured - fun! and 2. I need to simplify/declutter my life, so another stack of magazines wouldn't help that ;)

Check out Lonny!

My current Sidekick

Caution: This will only make sense to dog lovers.

So, my current Sidekick and companion is sweet Glory. She has been our baby for the past 4 1/2 years now, and we really couldn't ask for a better pup. When we first got Glory, after Liberty was put to sleep, we weren't sure we could ever love Glory as much as we did Liberty. Also, at first, she wasn't too into cuddling with us, which, at the time, was all that we selfishly wanted. We were wrong on both issues. She showed us that our hearts can love just as much, if not more, and she became the most loving, cuddly dog we could have hoped for.

She greets us with a hug when we get home, and she always wants to be close to us. It is amazing to me how smart dogs are. We definitely feel that she senses that something is going on with this growing belly of mine. In the last couple of weeks, anytime I sit/lay down, she immediately joins me and puts her head as close to my belly as she can.

As many of you know, I have been so worried about Glory with the transition of adding Sidekick to our family. I logically KNOW that things are going to be different. I don't want them to be, but I know that something has to give. She will no longer be our top priority. Sean must be sick of how much I am stressing that I am going to need him to be uber-helpful with Glory after the baby b/c we still want her to get her exercise and be happy. I am sure I will shed many tears over this, and honestly, already have on some days.

She was my best buddy during Sean's deployment. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have her to come home to everyday. It amazes me that I could be the worst dog mom, not walking her, just giving her the bare minimum, and she still is ALWAYS happy to see me. She never gives us attitude...she just unconditionally loves us. She warms my heart everyday, several times a day. I had her with me at BC recently, and I was speaking to a monk, and he said, you know, wouldn't the world be a better place if more people loved like dogs do? I don't think I could think of a more true statement than that.

Anyways, I am hopeful that Glory will love our new Sidekick as much as we already do, and that they will be best buds as Sidekick grows up. If Glory only knew how much she brings to our lives...

here are a few favorites of mine...

Yesterday we went to the Arnold arboretum...beautiful colors to be seen!
Enjoying the boston snow - winter 2009
loving her boat time - cottage 2007
those gorgeous GA azaleas!
Sweet pup. How can you not love a face like that?

Mr. Bean

Talented Brenda made us the most lovable baby gift for the shower...his name is Mr. Bean.

Meet Mr. Bean:

Brenda knitted Mr. Bean out of New Zealand wool, and I just adore the little guy. At the shower, someone said that they can just picture Sidekick walking around, holding Mr. Bean by his neck. His head is precious as it is very floppy, so I can just see the photos now of Sidekick dragging sweet Mr. Bean everywhere with him!

Glory likes checking out Mr. Bean too...although I have to imagine she smells her buddies, Brenda, Randy and Smokey Dog!

Charming Details of the Baby Shower

We had the most lovely long weekend out on Cape Cod. Hallie was able to secure the most beautiful house for us to stay in that had views of the water from all around. It was so great to get my "fix" of such wonderful friends, their husbands, and new babies too! I was sad to see the weekend end, but hopefully we can make it a recurring event :) Sean and I can't thank everyone enough for all the travel that was done to get here and all the effort that was put in to make it such a relaxing and fun time.

When I entered the house on Sunday for the shower, I blown away by all the beautiful decor and detail. It is amazing how Hallie, Sommer and Brenda were able to plan all of the details from hundreds of miles apart, and have it all come together so seamlessly and beautifully. Everything was gorgeous. I wanted to share some of the beautiful details. I was extremely humbled by all the thought and effort that was put into the day.

I wanted to share some of the precious details...if only my photos could capture the full beauty!

The beautiful table that I saw when I entered the door...notice the fabric runners, the unique bottles for placecards, the breathtaking roses, and look at those pinwheels - amazing!!

Closer view of the pinwheels that Brenda figured out how to make...

Look at these adorable placecards! Brenda found the unique bottles, Sommer made the placecards, and Brenda also put a lovely quote inside each bottle which we all read to each other, and she also made us necklaces out of a New Zealand shell, Paua...each necklace is draped on the bottle!
look at the lovely fabric banner, balloons and yummy spread!!

I love how Sidekick has been incorporated into our showers - so fun. I feel like we really need to name him Sidekick now :) Notice the pretty seashells that they scattered about.
I just adore these - I got to bring them all home and I am currently trying to find the perfect spot in the nursery - I know these will be some serious entertainment for Sidekick, and they just look so cool in the meantime!
Sommer made these pretty votives...I just adored their color scheme - great work, ladies!

Some sparkling cider with raspberries - YUM! It may not be the same as our French Martinis or Champagne cocktails, but it was just as beautiful, and really tasted great :)
The woman who lent us her home also prepared a gourmet feast for us at the shower - it was all SO tasty!
Hallie and I have loved fabric banners for a long time, so it was so much fun to see this when I walked in...
the gorgeous lemon cake - I heart the swiss dots, and the shells that the girls added to the top made it look so perfect!!
the spread....YUM. You can believe I went back for seconds!
Balloons all around :)

What a lucky lady I am to be surrounded by this amazing group of women. Thank you all for the most beautiful day!

Apples - what to make?

So, now that we are back home, I am staring at this gynormous bowl of apples that we have, trying to figure out how to use them all before they go bad.

I am thinking that I should try to make a few things that I could freeze and enjoy post baby, and have some stuff for now too...

On the list so far...
1. Apple pie - I have never made one - does anyone have a great recipe to share?
2. Maybe a caramel/apple bread?
3. Apple pancakes?

I figured I would see if anyone has suggestions/recipes...I am all ears!


Sean and I took our last trip sans baby two weekends ago. It was so much fun. Thanks to our dear friend, Liz, who grew up in the Portland, ME area, we had wonderful suggestions. I got my orchard fix...actually, we ended up visiting two orchards...we picked apples at Randall Orchards in Maine, and then on our way home, we stopped at Russell Orchards for hot cider and hot cider donuts and a walk around their beautiful farm grounds. We stopped in Kennebunkport for lunch, we had breakfast at the most yummy diner on one of the wharfs in Portland, we visited Freeport for the LL Bean flagship store and outlet shopping, and made our way out to Cape Elizabeth for lunch at the Lobster Shack on the rocky Maine coast...all of it was amazing.

Sean got to eat lots of lobster - lobster rolls, omelets, bisque, etc. He loved it. The trees were beautiful on our way up, but not quite as vibrant as we had expected. On the way home, it was amazing how much more colorful they were!

Here are a few snaps...

Sean exploring the banks of the rocky coast in Cape Elizabeth...
Pretty lighthouse out near Lobster Shack...

This guy, "Big Boy", was just too cute. He weighs 1000+ pounds!
Liz...this one is for you - the lobster/swiss omelette at Becky's - YUM!!
Don't you agree?

Nothing better than apples picked with your own two hands...

Some rowboats in Kennebunkport...what a pretty sight.

Cute sign for the town...

Project Nursery

From the nursery perspective, I think we are ready, or, I should ready as we are going to be, for the arrival of Sidekick! I know I have posted a lot of pics of the individual nursery objects, but thought I would some of the whole room. What a fun project! The biggest challenges were doing it on a budget and finding a balance between creating something we loved/not putting in too much effort since we will only be here through next May. The thing I am most happy about with this tiny space is how comfortable it feels to us. I think it is because we created it with things that have so much meaning to us and that we love.

I am sure I will rearrange clothes, bedding items, changing items a million times once he arrives b/c I am positive I don't have the most efficient set up right now...but that will come with time.

Now, if I can only figure out how to stop our sweet black lab from rubbing her wet face all over the white shag rug when she comes in from the rain, we will be all set. :)

Get ready for the 2.2 second tour!

Walking in the room, you see this...
(Details: Dresser/Cart from Brimfield Antique Fair, Marble Acorn Lamp - eBay score, 'M' basket (this 'M' is for Morrow, and no, we still don't have a name yet!) is from Home Goods, Jenny Lind crib, Pottery Barn pique bedding, mobile by me, vintage Burt Lake map from my p's, polka dot blanket from Gap Kids)

Full view of cart...

I think I must have put stiffener on these globes 6 times. They still, aren't perfect circles, as you can see. But, they serve their purpose of hiding the unsightly light fixture that was in the room.

The tiny sitting area...
(Details: Thrift Store Chair from Columbus, pillow - homemade, blanket from my mom which she found at Home Goods, Target trumpet table, lab bookends from Sommer - thanks, Sommer!)

Crib close up...
Details: Soothing giraffe - can't wait to use this, Blair - thanks!, and handmade rabbit pillow by Hallie - love it, Hallie :)

Chair close up...
Sean shoved, and I mean, shoved, my $5 thrift store chair into the nursery, and we are hoping that will do for the meantime :)

My Beatrix Potter books from when I was little :)

One more of the cute squirrel eating his acorn...

--This closet is so shallow that it can only fit baby sized hangers - perfect!
--The dresser was given to us by a neighbor, and my mom re-painted it and it happened to fit perfectly in the small space. I wanted a big bookshelf as I hope reading to Sidekick will be a huge part of our routine, but given the limited space, this top shelf will do for now.
--If you can see the bronze holding hands on top of the books on the dresser, that was my wedding gift from Sean - they are the hands of the Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her husband, Robert. We love one of her famous poems..."How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..."

Baskets - love vs. practicality

Okay, so, I had a coupon and gift card for PB, and I caved on the basket...however, then I went to Ikea, and found this one. Definitely not as great as the beachcomber basket, but for large difference in price, maybe it could grow on me...

Hopefully Sean will help me get the big fat tree into the basket - or try to see if it will fit...some towns close to us are going to have weather in the 30s tonight!!

Pottery Barn version...

Ikea version

It's good to 'fall' again...

Fall has arrived out here, and I am very excited to see the vibrant colors again. Sean and I are going to take a trip up to Maine this weekend and check out the foliage, eat at some good places, visit an apple know, the fall stuff.

I am so excited. I hope to capture some good fall colors on camera. Cross your fingers.

Along with the fall colors goes the great fall food. Pumpkin has captured me this week. AND...have you ever made pumpkin bread with chocolate chips? My friend brought over some excellent muffins this week that had chocolate chips in them - YUM!!! Why didn't I think of that with the 6 loaves I had already made? (Don't worry, I haven't eaten them all - it is part of the nesting & prep for the Cape Cod shower next weekend!)

Here is the recipe that I use if you are craving pumpkin...

Pumpkin Bread
3 1/3 Cup Flour
3 cup Sugar
2 tsp baking soda
1 ½ tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg

*Use LARGE mixing bowl
Sift above together and make well in center of ingredients

1 cup oil
4 eggs
2 cups pumpkin (16 oz)
2/3 cup water

Stir well and pour into greased loaf pan
350 degrees for 1 hour

*Makes two loaves of bread