You win some, you lose some...

Can I just share my disaster with you?

This was supposed to be a light for the nursery.  Yeah, not so much.  I went to Home Depot the other night in the midst of not feeling great and having contractions.  I couldn't find anyone to help me and all I wanted was a couple packages of wood veneer strips.  My patience was waning, and I thought I might really go into labor if someone didn't help me soon :)  I was finally pointed towards this white veneer, which was not ideal, but the only option.  I bought two packages, and attempted to make a light like this cute one...

Normally, I would attempt to fix this...not this time.  $10 down the drain.  Since I am short on time, I just hung a paper lantern from Ikea that we already had.  The other obsession I have had is to do a globe light, similar to the one featured in the PB Teen catalog, but I had a feeling as soon as I bought a cool vintage globe, I would feel bad about cutting it....and also, nervous about cutting it wrong (would probably need to enlist my dad to help with that one!).

To look at the least the paper lantern serves the functional purpose of providing a light on a dimmer switch for me!