Dumpster Diving

I am SO happy that Michelle is now here, and living right around the corner.  She called the other night and asked if I might have an interest in dumpster diving.  Ummm....YES.  We went over to the dumpster to find old school furniture that was going to be carted away.  Thankfully, our husbands were champs and went back to retrieve two pieces for each of us!  We each ended up with a cubby unit and a bookshelf.  They all need some work...but that makes it more fun, right?  (If I keep saying that enough I will believe it....right???)

Here are the pieces that made it into my garage...
The bookshelf needs some work, but I dig the casters...

I love wondering about the students that I am assuming wrote on this piece...

And...the cubby!!  I wasn't sure about the pegboard - if I was more patient, I may have pulled it off and put some plywood on the back; however, I'm not :)  And, part of me likes it.  Michelle thought this might work for the nursery, and she was right!