Paul Street House Tour - Kitchen

I struggled with the kitchen at Paul Street.  We are used to small kitchens, so that was fine.  However, I had a hard time seeing past the gray faux-wood laminate cabinets with blue trim, the bright blue laminate back splash, the remnant laminate crown moulding edging out the dirty drop ceiling (which held the original tin ceiling hostage!!!  Who would do such a thing!?)  and the fake brick linoleum floor that never seemed clean, no matter how much I scrubbed it....okay, I shouldn't have started on that list.  I will stop here. :)

I couldn't be more thankful that our buffet from Randy fit in here.  It provided necessary storage for us, and it warmed up the space and made me happy.  We painted over the faux-stone looking wall paper with plain white because I didn't know how else to salvage this room.

Before -

See...I wasn't kidding about the blue, right?
Check out the faux-stone wallpaper, gray laminate wall, the light fixtures...ugh.
See that drop ceiling?  and, can you see the laminate 'crown moulding'?  Blek.

After -

Our Ikea Lack shelves that never sat flush against the wall....but, to their credit, they never dropped my cookbooks - PHEW!

Some vintage towels I found on eBay, hanging on a towel rack I made out of dowel rods and ribbon I had laying around...
I adore this poster that we had framed from the Keep Calm Gallery.