Paul Street House Tour - Bathroom

We only had one full bath on Paul Street, and due to the choppy nature of the house, it was far away from everything.  Visitors could never remember where it was because of its strange location. 

It was a decent sized bath for an old served as our laundry area as well.  I had lots of grand schemes of things to do in here...figure out a way to put a curtain around the washer/dryer, frost the window glass, etc. but we quickly got to the point of not wanting to put any additional money into anything that we couldn't take with us.  Thus, we just got the roomy shower curtain rod, and I used my standby Ikea Hemmes curtains as a shower curtain because I wanted a very long curtain for little dinero.


I am embarrassed about the wrinkles!  I wish I was a more motivated iron-er!

look at these tin ceilings...precious!